5 Free Beauty Tips: Make-Up Brushes And Pencils
5 Free Beauty Tips: Make-Up Brushes And Pencils
Make-Up brushes and pencils need special care as they come in direct contact with that most sensitive part of your body – your skin. Use these 5 free beauty tips to keep a high standard.

1. Clean makeup brushes with a mild liquid soap. Cup your hand, put in a little soapy water and swish the brushes in the palm of your hand until they are clean. Rinse, reshape, and hang over the edge of a table so the air can dry them naturally. To avoid damaging them, do not soak them in a sink or wrap them in a towel to dry.

2. When purchasing an eyebrow brush, be sure it has firm bristles. A soft brush will only slide over the surface. A firm brush will groom and control the short eyebrow hairs.

3. Use a concealer brush to apply concealer to the innermost corner of the eye. This small, firm brush with a tip can reach this difficult spot which often appears dark as it is so recessed. In the absence of a concealer brush, use a finger to apply the concealer.

4. If you wish to invest in quality makeup brushes, purchase natural bristle rather than synthetic bristles. Sable is a strong favorite. Make sure the bristles are packed tight and not loose. Brush the back of the hand to make sure it doesn't lose too many bristles.

5. When using an eyebrow pencil, use short, diagonal strokes in the direction of the hair growth. Give more attention to areas where there are less hairs rather than an even coverage. Note: Avoid the temptation to use an eyeliner pencil on the eyebrows. They are soft and malleable, ideal for the delicate eye area. An eyebrow pencil needs to be fairly hard to allow you to create tiny strokes in specific areas.

About The Author
Mike Jones is a writer and webmaster with over 10 years experience. Check out his informative Plastic Surgery Research Library here:

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posted by DeA Haryono @ 10:36 PM  
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