What is it with makeup the fact is, if you're female, then you maybe like makeup at some point in your life. It almost seems like the softer sex is drawn to the material. I watched my little girl get sucked into the makeup trends. At the tender age of five, she already wanted to paint her delicate little face with eye shadow and blush. Yikes, what's with kids these days they want to grow up so fast My wife and I were shocked when our little lady came strolling into the living room with full-on makeup, which was applied way too think by the way. You've got to love the youngsters and their attempt at being grown up. However, let's save the infinite makeup trends for the older girls. At least let them get to sixteen first. Speaking of makeup trends, are you up to speed on the latest?

These days makeup is as prominent as ever. Although a few women out there refuse to conform, millions of others can't live without it. Have you ever seen those hardcore makeup users on the talk shows they actually wear their makeup to bed. Some will not even let their husbands see what they look like without makeup on. That's nuts! Can you imagine never even seeing what your spouse truly looks like? Regardless of the ardent makeup users, there are infinite others who enjoy the glamour of makeup trends. While a heavy layer of foundation and blush used to be all the rage back in the 80s, these days less is more. That good old natural beauty is in full demand. Sure, you can slap on a little makeup, but don't go crazy ladies. It's ideal to hold a more natural look with just a little makeup to accent your features. Caking it on will only get you insulting glares from other women.

When it comes to makeup trends, I have to admit that I like to see what a girl truly looks like. Sure, makeup can look nice if applied in moderation; however, too much may be hiding your natural beauty. It is typically expected for high school level girls to pile on the paint, but once you've hit your twenties, you may want to adopt some new and more conservative makeup rends. It's time to flaunt that natural beauty that you were born with. If you're not up to speed on the latest makeup trends, the Internet will surely provide you with a vast spectrum of solutions to all your makeup questions.

About The Author
John Wellington provides readers with up-to-date commentaries, articles, and reviews for http://www.yourskincaremagazine.com, http://www.body-and-mind-magazine.com as well as other related information


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:49 PM  
Stay-At-Home Moms Can Maintain Their Identity
Stay-At-Home Moms Can Maintain Their Identity
Many mothers who are stay-at-home parents lose their sense of self in the process of caretaking for their children. A woman’s natural instinct to “protect her flock” may come into direct conflict with developing a strong self-identity.

Often, mother’s “lose themselves” by giving their power away in relationships, particularly with their children. They may develop a connection with their children, but it may be established in an unhealthy manner. One of my parental slogans is, “Never do for a child what she can do for herself.” Mothers may overfunction on behalf on their children, giving away their sense of self while inhibiting their kids’ opportunity to become self directed.

In order to create a positive self-image, stay-at home mothers need to learn to set personal boundaries. Sometimes, parents unknowingly become an extension of their children. They may vicariously live through their children and meet their needs in this manner. An example is the parent who becomes overly enmeshed in their child’s activities. They may inadvertently put pressure on a child to perform admirably to compensate for their own perceived shortcomings.

A confident stay-at-home mother needs to be able to distinguish herself from her children. Personal boundaries should not be blurred. A mother must be able to step back and evaluate her behavior. Are my feelings separate from those of my children, or do I get swallowed up in the burden of how they experience life? Are most of my needs tied up in the caretaking process for my children? Do I have separate wants, desires and needs apart from those of my children?

I think an empowered mother must learn what I call “detached identification.” Mothers are responsible to their children, not for them. Understanding this distinction determines whether a stay-at-home mother will cultivate a vital sense of self. Often parents are unable to distinguish their thoughts, feelings, and behavior from the pattern of their children. They may worry endlessly about their children instead of demonstrating appropriate concern. Worrying erodes confidence. Appropriate concern empowers a mother to problem-solve new ways of assisting their children in managing problems.

Some mother’s groups advocate what I call “extreme parenting.” The parental bonding process does not take into consideration the mother’s well-being and personal identity. There are groups that advocate that the stay-at-home co-sleep with her children on a regular nightly basis as a connecting experience. In my opinion, this practice is unhealthy for the child as well as the mother.

At times, a mother will pursue her children when it would be better to fight that urge. Recently, my daughter visited me along with her toddler. We were walking down the street during a shopping trip and my granddaughter fell down at one point. I reached over to pick her up and my daughter intervened. “Dad, leave her alone. Let her handle this by herself.” My daughter was right. Malia was not hurt and was capable of getting up on her own. Step back, fight the urge to pursue and let children handle their journey to learn new skills.

It is imperative that stay-at-home moms create a life apart from their children. Developing a business from home, joining parenting support groups, spending time with adult friends and volunteering a small amount of one’s time are important ways of refocusing one’s energy and validating personal identity. Finding someone to caretake for the children may be difficult, but necessary. Hopefully, a partner is a team player in this regard and provides the mom with time away from her children. This is in the best interest of the adult relationship as well as the adult-child relationship. Mothers may make excuses as to why a baby-sitter doesn’t meet their expectations. Part of maintaining a self-identity for the mother is learning to let go of the children and allowing the children to be “raised by the village.” If a stay-at-home mother desires to create a healthy sense of self, she needs to learn to entrust her children to significant others.

Suggestions to assist stay-at-home moms in creating and maintaining a strong self-image are:

• Don’t be an overly-possessive mother. In doing so, you give your power away to your children.

• Listen and respond to your own needs. This is not being selfish but honest and empowering.

• Always trying to please your children will backfire. They will not respect you and you will not respect yourself.

• If your children make mistakes it is not a reflection on you. Remember you are ok as long as you allow children to become self-directed through learning from their own experiences.

• Create a life for yourself apart from your children. Involve family, friends and significant others to support you in your self-rewarding activities.

• Eradicate the words “selfish” and “guilty” from your vocabulary. They are words that diminish your worth and keep you from developing confidence.

• Recognize the harsh reality that your children don’t always need you. It’s amazing what they can do for themselves.

• Let go of the illusion of being the perfect mother. Parenting is an art. Having to be perfect puts an unreasonable burden on you.

Stay-at-home moms can develop confidence and feel empowered if they can learn to meet their own needs apart from their children. Setting appropriate boundaries, being assertive, and giving your children appropriate space with encouragement will enhance a mother’s sense of self-determination and confidence.

About The Author
James P. Krehbiel, Ed.S., LPC is an author, freelance writer and nationally certified cognitive-behavioral therapist practicing in Scottsdale, Arizona. His book, Stepping Out of the Bubble is available at http://www.amazon.com. He can be reached http://www.krehbielcounseling.com.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:48 PM  
Oily Skin Care Tips
Oily Skin Care Tips
The sebaceous glands, located in the dermis (middle layer) produces oil which helps to keep the skin supple and moist. So oil production in the skin is completely natural With that said, however, the sebaceous glands can produce excessive oil which leads to oily skin. Oily skin is not only located on the face but the neck, arms, shoulders and back can be oily too.

How Do You Know If You Have Oily Skin?

Nearly all teenagers have oily skin because their hormone production is in full bloom. For those who are no longer teenagers, determining whether your skin is oily or not is easy to do. When you look in the mirror is there a sheen on your skin? Check your T-Zone which is located starting at the point between your eyes and goes vertically down your nose to your chin. (The T-Zone also goes horizontally across your nose, beginning and stopping at the center point below your eye.) Your sheen may be unnoticeable during the day, so you want to check again immediately after waking in the morning. If there is a sheen, you probably have oily skin.

Look at your hair while standing in front of the mirror. If it is oily, this is another sign that you most likely have oily skin. If your make up fades and wears off after only a couple of hours, this is also an indicator of oily skin. In addition, frequently patting your face with a handkerchief or powder is another indicator. Although sometimes caused by stress and other factors, the presence of blemishes is also a sign of oily skin.

Caring for Oily Skin

You may feel that the best way to treat oily skin is to remove the oil that is clogging your pores. Removing all the oil is not the answer. The oils produced by your sebaceous glands are a natural moisturizer which helps to keep you skin supple and moist. So rather than removing the oil, you should try to keep it under control.

It’s important that you keep your skin clean so that your pores remain clear. If not, dead cells, dirt and bacteria will clog your pores and cause pimples to pop up. DO NOT use harsh soaps to strip away oil. Your glands will instinctively replenish lost oil and will increase their oil production. This could make your problem worse.

Your skin is delicate so you should use a gentle cleanser and warm water. Weekly exfoliation with a non-abrasive product will help to remove pore clogging material. Use a toner that does not contain alcohol and moisturize in moderation. Make sure your cosmetics and sun screen are oil free.

About The Author
Angela Myers is a staff writer at http://www.beautytipsdigest.com and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including http://www.acne-journal.com .


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:46 PM  
Hair Transplant - Is A Hair Transplant Right For You?
Hair Transplant - Is A Hair Transplant Right For You?
What Is A Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure where hair on one part of your head that is not prone to balding (like the sides and back) is taken and transplanted into a balding area.

Generally, most of this transplanted hair will continue to grow for the lifetime of the patient. Hair transplants are thus a popular way to address the problem of premature balding and hair loss.

Patients like the fact that they don't have to mess with questionable hair loss treatments or products for the rest of their lives.

Hair Transplants are becoming much more popular in the image-obsessed culture we live in today. People are realizing that image makes a difference in everything from personal confidence and happiness to the type of salary you earn and even to what kind of mate you can attract.

What Does A Hair Transplant Look Like?

New advances in hair transplants are made every year. Hair transplants today don't need to have the 'pluggy' look they did 10 or 20 years ago. Today they can look so completely natural, no one will be able to tell you had one.

Depending on which doctor you choose you can address the thinning areas on your crown or front hairline. You doctor may also be able to steer you towards proven hair loss products that can cut down on hair loss after your surgery. This will help you so you stave off the natural progression of age-related hair loss.

Is A Hair Transplant Right For You?

Everyone is unique and a hair transplant may not be for everyone as each person's situation is unique. If you're considering a hair transplant, you must choose your surgeon or clinic carefully as there are a wide variety of options for those wanting a hair transplant.

If you are considering a hair transplant, talk to your doctor. You'll also want to educate yourself on hair transplants, methods, costs and options before making a final decision.

About The Author
Vienna Miller is a contributing writer to http://www.Hair-Transplant-Review.com - a website offering the latest information on hair transplants, surgery & costs.

For more information visit http://www.Hair-Transplant-Review.com


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:44 PM  
Marketing Offline Can Substantially Increase Your Online Business
Marketing Offline Can Substantially Increase Your Online Business
The Internet can be a scary place for those looking for a home-based business opportunity. The fear of not connecting personally with others is one concern and many people have been “taken” by online scams in their search for a legitimate business and are fearful to take any more risks. One way to overcome fears such as these is to market your online business locally. By simply offering the person a contact that they can speak to and possibly even meet face to face you will making the statement that your business is legitimate and trustworthy.

It is effective to market your online business locally primarily because potential customers and business recruits prefer to have the option of speaking with the business owner face to face. By attracting customers locally, you can maximize the opportunities to meet with them. You will no longer be that “someone they found online,” but someone that they will be able to relate to and feel confident doing business with.

But how do you market locally? Here are some excellent tips:

Besides the common local advertising routes, such as Newspaper Ads, Yellow Pages, Etc., another effective (and inexpensive) way to advertise locally is to post business related flyers around your community. Many grocery stores, libraries, bookstores, and office supply stores offer bulletin boards for this purpose. Make yours stand out and be recognized, yet professional enough to warrant someone trusting you with their business. Also, if possibly have a tear-off section on your flyer so they can take your number and leave your flyer.

Look for events geared toward work-at-home businesses. There are organizations, such as the National Work at Home Mom Association, that hold events across the nation to help promote the work-at-home business owner. At events such as these, you can purchase a booth and make hundreds of local contacts, as well as sales, all in one day.

Reach out to your community. Join your local Chamber of Commerce, get involved in community events and become known to those around you. Pass out flyers and hand out business cards to everyone you meet. Door Flyers also work well for marketing – pick one neighborhood a week and go door to door. Be consistent with your marketing with door flyers, too. If a potential customer sees your ad repeatedly, they will feel more inclined to use your services in the future. Magnets can be great promotional items as well. You can have magnets printed with your business information and hand them out to people that you speak to about your products. Potential clients can keep these on their refrigerator or filing cabinet. You can also leave flyers, magnets or even catalogs around town in places like doctor’s offices, hair salons, etc.

Volunteer in your community for marketing success. Diana Ennen of Virtual Word Publishing, Inc. suggests, “Volunteer at school events such as PTA meetings or community functions. When your child’s school needs a flyer, volunteer to do it and attach your card to it. Look to see where you can also inexpensively advertise. Often ads in the kid’s yearbook or community events newsletter will get your more exposure than the expensive ads in the daily newspapers.”

Direct mail is another great tool for gaining local clients. Get the Yellow Pages out and write a professional letter or send your brochures or postcards to those that would be interested in your products or services. Send a mailing to local businesses that my be interested in offering your products to their customers. For example, if you sell home décor products, send a professional letter to real estate agents in your local area. In the letter, describe how your products would be valuable for them to use as thank you gifts when they sell a home.

It’s important to talk to everyone you possibly can about your business. You can find prospective customers in line at the grocery store, while waiting at a doctor’s office, or even while playing at the park with your children. Let others know that you are excited about it and believe in it. If the people around you hear the excitement in your voice, they may become excited about your business, too! You’ll be rewarded with more sales and a business that prospers from year to year.

About The Author

Jill Hart is the founder and editor of Christian Work at Home Moms, CWAHM.com, and the author of the e-book, The Two Week Devotional Journey for Christian Work at Home Moms. The CWAHM.com website is dedicated to providing moms with free resources to aid them in their work at home search. E-mail Jill at jill@cwahm.com for additional information or stop by her site at www.cwahm.com


posted by DeA Haryono @ 10:29 PM  
Female Pattern Baldness: What Causes Hair Loss In Women?
Female Pattern Baldness: What Causes Hair Loss In Women?
So many men go bald and nearly all women seem to have heads full of hair. The question, naturally is if baldness discriminates on the basis of gender. That would be grossly unfair. Well, it would be unfair but the fact is even women suffer from hair loss. And if there is something that goes by the expression 'male pattern baldness', there is also a thing called 'female pattern baldness'.

Of course, there is no denying the fact that baldness is more prevalent and more apparent in males than in females. However, women suffer more than men when they sense that they are losing hair at an abnormal pace because females tend to attach a great deal of importance to the quality and quantity of hair. And why shouldn't it be, given the fact that hair are an integral part of feminine charm.

In some cases, female baldness can be hereditary. Mostly, menopause brings hair loss in women, which is determined by one's genetic heritage. In other words, if a female loses hair in menopausal stage, it is because her mother too suffered from hair loss at that particular stage of her life.

Another cause for female baldness are certain ailments, especially those that come with extended bouts of high fever. Among them are typhoid fever and scarlet fever. Such fevers are a medically established cause of hair loss. There are certain medications, the use of which may also result in hair loss. But in such cases hair loss is gradual.

Malnutrition and a dysfunctional endocrine system have also been found to trigger a slow hair loss.

Fungal infections can also cause hair loss. These fungal infections are chronic bacterial attacks or a result of the presence of ringworms.

Chemotherapy tends to destroy all the rapidly developing cells including the hair follicles, as they also consist of active cells. The baldness thus caused is not temporary but total.

A condition called Alopecia universalis also causes permanent loss of body hair including those on the head and those that form the eyelashes and eyebrows. The causes of the ailment is not fully known and the research is on in this area.

What is quite apparent is a fact that female hair loss does not set in early phase of life unless there are some other reasons for it, like some ailment or malnutrition. So, no cause for beauty-worries for the young ladies and for the relatively older ones, too. Things are pretty much bright unless the genes are unfavourable.

About The Author
To get more information on hair loss, hair loss and women and hair loss treatment visit http://www.hair-loss-updates.com/.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:42 PM  
Every Girls Guide To Confidence and Self Esteem
Every Girls Guide To Confidence and Self Esteem
Remember Teri Hatcher doing those impossible splits right on the studio floor on Oprah? Or Carmen Electra positively gushing about what exotic dance has done for her body and bedroom tactics? A large number of celebrities have recently taken to a sexy alternative to working out, from pole vaulting they have leapt straight to pole dancing at the S Factor. And they aren’t stopping at pole-dancing, our celebrity pin-up girls have been everywhere and done everything, from Strip-Aerobics to Exotic Dance Work Outs, the motto this season is ‘Everything sexy goes’!

If all this sudden gush for sex is making you blush, you go ahead and click your tongue and hang your head in shame, no one will begrudge you. “SEX SELLS” and we are being sold it morning, noon and night through every possible channel. It screams at you from gigantic billboards featuring gorgeous demi-love-gods, pierces into your fantasy’s through the television and fondles your imagination with semi-naked bodies scattered all over the net. Living in the USA is in itself like one giant, prolonged orgasm…and as a woman you are expected to idolize those models and endeavor to look like one.

Sure you wanna be Carrie from ‘Sex and the City’ and moan and groan and roll around on your bed with a different guy every night, seven nights a week turning your life into a series of fantastic sexual escapades….but you’ll snap out of it, after all life is not a TV show, and learning how to embrace your sexuality takes time and effort.

In America amongst the glamour of the TV shows and the supposed sexual abandonment, the skin and the G-Strings, we women have to deal with mixed messages, guilt trips, religious dogma, body image, and misinformation. Sure getting your hymen snapped by 16 is a must, but so is regretting doing it by 25. Beneath all our external frills, getting laid is an issue we women deal with badly.

The concept of ‘Positive Sex’ is an idea not many of us have managed to fathom yet. Fornication is still, essentially a male domain, where we women participate like whimpering goats, hesitating and interestingly enough feeling insecure about our role in it all.

A majority of women I know swear by making love in the dark. ‘It’s romantic’ they coo when I ask them the point of that. Here’s what I KNOW, most of us are ashamed of our body. Nudity is a concept we haven’t been taught to handle well. Seeing ourselves naked freaks us out, and knowing that someone else is watching us naked, desiring our body for itself, brings to life our worst fears. This is the gaze our parents warned us against, this is what Church lessons have told us to avoid. So off goes the light, plunging everything, from ourselves, to that desirous gaze, to our insecurities, into comforting darkness.

The truth is that the darkness serves as a warm invitation to what Susan Bremer calls our ‘Shadow” side. ‘Every woman wants to take a trip to their wild side” she explains, ‘We all yearn to seduce. But we’ve been told over and over again that to rejoice in our body is immoral, yet the wish to feel powerful in our sensuality, to express our sexuality remains.” Susan, a proud ‘Gentleman club’ dancer considers her sexual prowess to be her way of establishing her role in a world hounded by men. “When I’m at work,” she says “I’m surrounded by men in coats and ties — bosses and underlings, jocks and nerds. All of them are the kinds of men who made me feel small. But now I can reduce the top dog to a lapdog by staring at him, opening my top, and smiling”.

This sense of power probably needs some delving into. As women all of us suffer from our own insecurities. It’s a cliché by now but we all know that the world belongs to the testosterone thugs. They keep us down everywhere, be it in our boardroom or our bedroom. And slowly we grow used to being kept down, such that we soon we are conditioned to not reversing the situation at all.

A positive sex-image, whether you use it or not, can and will alter all this most miraculously. Your sexual achievements in the bedroom can give you the kind of omnipotent confidence which oozes out from your personal to public sphere. For any woman with low self-esteem, the act of embracing your sexuality serves as a miracle tool for believing that she can have that effect on other people, in a non-sexual environment too.

The thing is, much as we try to shake it off, we are all sexual beings, sex is important to us and it has the power to make us feel good. 65% of women in the US do not, at their heart of hearts, take this idea seriously. Good sex and an attempt to have good sex for them is still a nudge-nudge-whisper-whisper issue. This attitude gets transferred from them to their kids and grandkids and so on, such that each generation of these young women grow up with the idea that every time they are making love they ought to feel guilty about it. This mystifying of the subject is harmful for a lot of reasons. For starters it gives us a lifelong baggage of guilt, every time we think about sex, every time we fantasize or our hands itch to masturbate we feel like a criminal. The constant feeling that sex is wrong or dirty leads to a negative self-image as a person. That misinformation means that when we are in the act it can be hard to enjoy it, leading to severe sexual frustration, not a feeling you’d like to carry around with you.

This discussion might go on and on, because of our trouble to face the fact that we like getting laid. But let’s just say, it all has a very easy solution. Get in to your sexiest lacy underwear, devote tonight to unleashing the temptress in you and for once really enjoy it without hang-ups. You will like the results tomorrow morning.

About The Author
A provocative, ambitious, and engaging producer, Adryenn Ashley has taken the independent film community by storm with groundbreaking documentary and feature projects. She has never been shy about tackling a hard subject or a controversial fire storm.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:41 PM  
The World Needs More Women Leaders
The World Needs More Women Leaders
Mature and industrialized nations today continue to strive for human equality, especially when it comes to women’s rights. In general, women are the voice which calms the fighting spirit of man. I believe that women who are elected to office bring new perspectives to issues and are more inclined to collaborate effectively with their counterparts. I often wonder if this is one of the reasons for the civilized manner in which modern countries enjoy. It is a sense of balance and fairness that allows people to determine their own fate.

The inclusion of women into national and global politics is pertinent to the progression of peace and prosperity in our times. In part, I am referring to regions of instability. In Iraq, I think it is very important that women have the ability to run for elected office. This could serve the country well in the difficult times still ahead. How often in history have we seen what a large group of men do when confined to the same set of genes and testosterone that only serve the escalate tensions and bring about devastaing wars.

As a gender, males have a strong sense of pride and are not afraid to fight for survival. This begins at a young age when males fight for dominance of the pack. We live by the rule that only the strongest shall survive. There is no room for trust or fairness.

Women are psychologically known to be more collaborative, nurturing, and social. There is no preferred biological makeup, yet different situations call for the strengths of one gender over the other. This is why I believe that women should be more included in global politics. They are much better suited to find common ground and come to a productive solution that is acceptable to all parties involved.

About The Author
Stephen Oakes


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:40 PM  
A Plus Size Bra Will Make Your Naturally Curvy Body Look Even More Tempting
A Plus Size Bra Will Make Your Naturally Curvy Body Look Even More Tempting
As a woman, I have faced the difficulty of finding the right bra many a time. But what makes it even more tedious is the fact that I have a naturally curvaceous figure.

To find a bra that is both supportive and comfortable is a monumental task and this is where plus size bras come to the rescue. With todays ever increasing market there are plus size bras available for the support you need and the comfort you want, as well as that extra added beauty.

Plus size bras have done away with all the trials we women had to put up with in the past. With all the brands and varieties available, you can not only find plus size bras that you will love wearing, but bras that will accentuate your naturally curvaceous figure.

When we think of plus size bras, automatically we may picture two huge domes with hulking thick straps, digging uncomfortably into our shoulders. This picture is a thing of the past, sexy plus size bras are the future and are here to stay!

You can get extremely feminine lacy plus size bras, or sultry satin, silk and lace bras with under wire for extra support, strapless plus size bras, and even minimizer full figure bras. The companies have realized that a large portion of women have been endowed with naturally voluptuous and exotically formed figures and that this is what a woman should look like!

During pregnancy and your life span, your breasts can change size and sometimes dramatically, and having a quality plus size bra will make all the difference. You can make your figure look even more tempting, develop even more confidence and feel exceptionally comfortable in a plus size bra that fits just right. A full figure bra that fits properly will help improve your posture.

Nursing Plus Size Bras

Nursing bras are very comfortable if you are a breast feeding mother. You have to feed your baby periodically and the process is very cumbersome when you have to do it wearing regular bras. These bras have provisions to feed the child easily and comfortably. Look for plus size nursing bras that have a braiding support instead of wiring, which will give you a lot more comfort if you need to sleep in it. Most nursing bras are either made out of cotton / lycra for gentle support, but you can also get these plus size bras in very sexy designs too. You can buy a Nursing bra for just around £22.99.

Plus Size And Push Ups

Plus size bras are bras meant for full-figured women. These bras come with minimizers too, which help to minimize the projection of your bust. Push-ups have the opposite effect of the plus size bras and are commonly used by smaller structured women. This type of bra will give your appearance an even more heightened appearance, which is sure to get your partner's attention away from the footaball game or whatever else he is doing!.

Sports Bras

You have to feel comfortable when walking or doing exercises. Wearing a regular bra just doesn't provide the support we need, but also gives us the much needed comfort we deserve. I mean can you imagine running on a treadmill with a poorly constructed bra, not only will it have long term effects on your back but can also damage your breasts. You can buy a sports bra for around £19.99.

You should experience comfort and support while wearing a bra all day long. You have to be specific about which one suits you the most. You have to very careful about your size, which is often subject to change. It is necessary for you to check your size before buying one.

Plus size bras have finally come left that unattractive image of the past behind and become hugely sexy bras for today and tomorrow. Whether its a sports bra or an everyday sexy bra, we fuller figured women have finally been given a choice that is both comfortable and sexy. A click on your mouse is all it takes and the dazzling array of plus size bras will be at your fingertips.

About The Author
Kalwant Rana is A Freelance Writer For http://www.sexy-plus-size-lingerie-org.uk. You Can Find Lots Of Useful Information And Reviews About All Kinds Of Plus Size Lingerie From Simple Bras To Sexy Costumes.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:39 PM  
Cosmetic Tips And Tricks - With A Little History
Cosmetic Tips And Tricks - With A Little History
Women have been wearing cosmetics for thousands of years. Archaeologists have evidence of men and women using cosmetics in Egypt over 6000 years ago! Wealthy Egyptian women would paint their nails, massage their faces with creams and oils, apply lipstick and eyeliner, and even color their hair. Obviously, things haven’t changed that much over the last few millennia!

How Do You Put Cosmetics On?

The most important thing you can do when applying makeup is to start with a clean face. A clean face gives you the perfect palate for applying the rest of your cosmetics. A dirty face, on the other hand, will make it much more difficult. A clean face will also help keep your skin look clear and healthy.

After you have thoroughly cleaned your face, apply foundation smoothly and evenly. When applied correctly, it should not look like you’re wearing foundation. The purpose of foundation is to smooth out your skin colors to cover up any blemishes and to help you put your cosmetics on better. Your face should feel light and natural. If it is obvious that you’re wearing foundation, or if your face feels like it’s covered with guck, then you’ve put too much on. Also consider if you have the right type of foundation. To work properly, the foundation has to match your skin tone as closely as possible. If you are having trouble picking the right color of foundation, talk to a cosmetics consultant at one of the cosmetics counters at your local department store. If you’ve only put a bit too much foundation on, you can blot at your skin with some toilet paper to remove the excess foundation without having to start from scratch.

If required, you can then apply some concealer to your face with your fingers. Concealer can be particularly useful around your eyes so any dark circles don’t have you confused for a racoon! No matter where you use concealer, always remember to blend, blend, blend. If the concealer is not blended into the rest of your face, it will only draw attention to the spots your are attempting to cover up.

It is only after you’ve washed your face and applied foundation and concealer that you’re ready to move on to the more noticeable cosmetics such as eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, blush and lipstick.

What are Cosmetics Made Of?

The ancient Egyptians mainly made their cosmetics from clay and oils (with the occasional dash of mercury). Modern cosmetics are made from an unbelievable array of products. Lipstick often contains fish by-products and blush can contain mica, a translucent mineral! While the Food and Drug Administration controls what can be used in cosmetics, the precise ingredients are often protected as trade secrets.

If you really want to know what’s going on your face, you can chose to buy organic cosmetics that will make their makeup from simple, natural materials. This can also be a useful strategy if you are concerns about animal testing. If you only want to buy cosmetics that have not been tested on animals, make sure to inquire whether the cosmetics you are purchasing were tested on animals or not.

About The Author
Mary Amos is a cosmetologist who likes to experiment with the latest in cosmetics. Find out the latest and greatest at http://www.feicosmetics.com


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:36 PM  
70 - 80% Of Women Do Not Wear The Right Size Bra!
70 - 80% Of Women Do Not Wear The Right Size Bra!
Every woman knows the difficulty involved in finding the right bra. Questions like What cup Size are you now? What style do you require? Seem to never end!

Well...First and foremost it is essential that you know your correct size. A badly fitting bra can lead to back problems, muscle tension, and even headaches. If you are in your teen years, the strain caused by a badly fitting bra can lead to permanent problems with posture and even back pain. So that?s why teens should be fit by a bra expert at least twice a year or even after every noticeable growth pattern.

Your first consideration should be the reason you need the bra; is it for athletics, coverage, comfort or support? There are different types and styles of bras made for specific types of bodies and physical activities. Although it would be nice, no one bra can do it all; you have different bras for different jobs. A Sexy bra for those intimate private moments or a Sports Bra for when you want to perform arduous exercise.

First Bras

Training bras are for younger girls who have just started to develop breasts and are not able to fit into standard size bras. Age is not the concern, rather its getting the right fit and support for your breast size.

Wireless Bras

Light support or wireless bras usually have no underwire and are sometimes the preferred choice for those with smaller breasts. They are less constricting and more comfortable than full support bras. As they are wireless they offer less shaping and more freedom than other bras. You can find the padded and unpadded variety; what you choose is a matter of personal preference.

Underwire Bras

Full support or underwire bras usually have an underwire or plastic boning holding them up. It doesn't matter what breast size you are, however it is a must for those with larger cup sizes. They also are available in padded or unpadded varieties.

Push Up Bras

Sometimes referred to as padded bras and more famously attributed to the Wonderbra. They lift the breasts and add more shape to them with extra padding. There are some more innovative versions around that use silicone inserts or water sacks to enhance your look even further. They are known to "lift and separate" the breasts, creating a full cleavage and most importantly offer lots of support.

Plus Size Bras

Plus size bras have finally found a home away from the unsightly bras of yesteryear to the sleek and sexy bras of today. From sports to sexy to your everyday bra, plus size bras are know available in many styles and brands. You can get extremely feminine lacy plus size bras, or bras finished in satin, silk, lace and cotton, under wire and strapless bras.

Sports Bras

Probably the least flattering and sexy in the bra family but ironically the most important one for growing teens to have. As well as offering full support, they also stop the breasts from moving during strenuous activity. The tissue in your breasts is very delicate and growing tissue especially needs to be protected during high impact exercise.

Nursing Bras

Your breasts start changing shape from the fourth month of pregnancy. As a result, most women find their previous bra too small. Purchase a nursing bras close to your due date or shortly after your baby arrives, because your breasts will grow larger toward the end of your pregnancy and when milk comes in. Consider buying a bra that has flaps and can be opened and refastened easily. Since milk leakage is inevitable, it also makes sense to buy nursing pads to protect both your bra and clothes. It is always better to buy 100% cotton bras, as cotton is a breathable fabric. Synthetic fabrics trap moisture and encourage bacterial growth and soreness.

Mastectomy Bras

These types of bras are designed with pockets in the cup area to hold a breast prosthesis. There is a wide range of styles and colors available. The silicone breast prosthesis simulates the natural breast with regards to its shape and weight. The prosthesis's main advantage of is that it provides symmetry and balance to a persons body, who has survived from breast cancer. Wearing the right prosthesis is primarily important to your ultimate comfort level. With a superior fitting prosthesis, and a well-made and fitted mastectomy bra, you in turn will help to balance your posture and provide fortification for your chest and breast cancer scars.

Now you know the importance of the bra and the many types available, you should know firstly what size you need and how to determine that size. The following article gives you an insight into how to measure your self and the importance of a well fitted bra.

About The Author
Kalwant Rana is A Freelance Writer For http://www.justforbras.com. You Can Find Lots Of Useful Information About All Kinds Of bras, from a simple sports bra to a plus size or nursing bra.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:35 PM  
The Smart Woman Manifesto: What is a Smart Woman?
The Smart Woman Manifesto: What is a Smart Woman?
A Smart Woman uses her entire toolbox of experiences, talents, feelings, logic, intuition, education, and yes, even her mistakes, to live her life authentically engaged. She takes the time to care for herself, evaluate what she really thinks and feels, and acts and reacts from a place of patient love, energized compassion, and balanced accountability. Choices are opportunities and she welcomes them. Opportunity leads to her future and she faces that future with a ready and willing heart and a nimble and open mind.

A Smart Woman respects others’ points of view while still making her own choices. She gives generously to others while nurturing herself. She knows the value of boundaries and is skillful in using them to build stronger relationships. She speaks up when she needs to and she knows how and when to supportively listen as she keeps her vision of peace and tolerance in sight. She knows when to walk away, wishing luck and best wishes to those who are on another path. She knows and values her true worth.

Adaptable, caring, capable, and clever, a Smart Woman embraces life and triumphantly whoops and hollers her way to joy. She claims her power and her divine birthright, as each of us do, in a myriad of infinitely beautiful and unique ways, creating a fulfilling life as a Smart Woman. She's not out to prove anything to anybody. She is here to learn, live, love, laugh, and contribute.

I believe we all have a lot to share, to communicate, to witness, and to celebrate. I would feel honored and thrilled to know you are by my side. So, what do you think? Are you ready to explore? I hope so, because today, I am making firm plans and those plans include you. I am a Smart Woman with firm plans. Are you?

Here's to you and your Smart Woman path!

About The Author
Vicki Flaugher, creator of http://www.SmartWomanGuides.com, is on a mission to nurture and empower the 35-55 year old Coming of Age female audience. Her website is a worldwide community site where Smart Women everywhere can submit articles about their own experiences surrounding topics like aging, health, entrepreneurship, relationships, spirituality, and sex and sensuality (to name a few). You can join in the fun at her blog at http://speakout.smartwomanguides.com.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:30 PM  
Perfume - The Six Common Fragrance Groups
Perfume - The Six Common Fragrance Groups
For men, as well as some women, finding the perfect perfume can be a stressful, time-consuming experience. . If you familiarize yourself with the six basic fragrance groups, you will not only save time, but also make your shopping experience more enjoyable. The following paragraphs will discuss the six common fragrance groups when it comes to perfume in order to assist you in finding the right perfume with more ease.

The floral category is the largest and most popular scent for perfumes. These scents are made mainly from different varieties of flowers. These varieties include roses, orange blossoms, vanilla and jasmine. Other flowers are also used, including different varieties of lilies and orchids.

The oriental category of perfume scents represents a relatively large group of scents, as well. These scents include heavy mixtures of spices, balsams, resins, and amber helping to suggest a warm, exotic sensation. This category is very popular during wintertime, and colder months of the year because of its heavy, musky traits.

The citrus category of perfume scents are derived from different fruits. These fruits can include lime, lemon tangerine and mandarin

This often creates a tangy aroma women find refreshing, as well as uplifting. This category of perfume scent is most popular during warm months.

This category of perfume scents was given its name by the French. It tends to create a strong feeling and are made from many different wood-moss mixes. These are often earthly aromas, such as oak moss, bergamot and other types of wood and wood moss

Perfumes falling in the Chypre category of sent are most generally strong, earthly scents.

Although it can be hard to describe the scent of a color, this is a real category of perfume scents. Perfumes falling into this category of scents tend to be sharp, outdoor scents. This includes the scents of pine, juniper, leaves and herbs

Lavender and cocoa are also examples of green scents.

The Fougere category of perfume scents is most common among men. These aromas are usually created from herbs and mossy ferns. Perfumes that fall into this category normally come together in a very sophisticated style. While men typically where scents that fall into this category, there are popular perfumes for women that fall into this category as well.

Most every fragrance retailer will make you think their perfume is a totally new scent, all scents are likely to fall into one of these six categories.

About The Author
Taisha Grant writes about http://www.perfumefragrancecoupons.com/Coupons/FragranceX.com.html and http://www.perfumefragrancecoupons.com/Coupons/Perfume%20Emporium.html


posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:23 PM  
Do You Want Beautiful Nails? Do Something About It!
Do You Want Beautiful Nails? Do Something About It!
Some people are born with beautiful nails. But, more women keep their nails looking beautiful with nail polish and other treatments like Rejuvacote and those offered by Nailtiques. With so many outstanding products on the market there is no reason for your fingernails not to look beautiful at all times. Even if you have weak, brittle nails there is still hope for you. Consider the advantages offered by the following treatments and see which one is best for you!


There are many different types of Nailtiques products and treatments. They are all specifically designed to improve and enhance the appearance of fingernails and skin. Most of the Nailtiques formulas are designed and formulated to improve the condition of fingernails. Nails that are dry, flaky, that chip or peel, are no match for the treatments by Nailtiques. It takes seeing to believe, but after you use the Nailtiques products you will find your nails are repaired, healthy, and beautiful like you always dreamed of.


If you have been wearing acrylic nails for some time, or even a short period of time, you know how thin and brittle your natural nails can become. Your natural nails actually become so thin that they are flimsy and can easily break, crack, or peel. But, Rejuvacote rescues your nails. No matter how bad your nails are after wearing acrylics you can use Rejuvacote and see significant results in no time.

Nail Polish

There are all sorts of nail polish you can choose from. There are nail polishes that simply add color, there are others that treat a specific problem like weak nails, and there are still more that have a combination effect. You may have a favorite nail polish, most women do, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try out some other nail polish brands, either. There are some outstanding types of nail polish you can choose from. In fact, there are all kinds of nail polish that are probably better than yours so try some of the salon brands and see which ones you like best!

Gorgeous Hands at Last

Using products like Rejuvacote, Nailtiques, and salon quality nail polish will result in you having gorgeous hands in just a few weeks. You may never have imagined that you could have beautiful hands, but with these treatments you can!

About The Author
Sally Hart is a salon owner who purchases her quality beauty products at discount prices at http://www.enailsupply.com eNailSupply featured lines include OPI Nail Polish, Essie Nail Polish, Seche Vite, and Gigi Wax. We carry an enormous selection of nail polish colors, and always keep our site update to feature the most recently released collections. Go to eNailSupply today to sign up for their email flyer and get our monthly specials!


posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:18 PM  
Perfumes can be fun to wear. Here are some tips on buying and using perfumes.
Perfumes can be fun to wear. Here are some tips on buying and using perfumes.
When buying perfume always try a sample. Wear it for about 10 minutes before deciding if you like it. This allows the alcohol to evaporate and the oils in perfumes to interact with the oil on the skin and will be a little different for everyone.

Try samples in the late afternoon. The power of smell is stronger during that time of day.

When starting a new perfume always use it on only one small area of skin. If there is an allergy to any of the ingredients it's the safest way to discover it. After an hour, if there is no reaction, the perfume is safe to wear.

When wearing perfume put it on the pulse points. The inner wrists, behind the knee, and below the jawline near the ears. The pulse sends out the scent.

Perfume will keep fresher longer if you store it in a cool, dark place since sunlight and heat interact with the oils in the perfume.

When testing or wearing perfume don't rub the wrists together. It lessens the effect of the perfume.

Don't apply perfume to clothing or jewelry. It can cause stains and even damage jewelry.

Don't wear one perfume all year all. Temperatures affect the scent. Cold temperatures reduce the intensity of the perfume so wear stronger scents in the winter.

In the summer wear lighter scents. But be warned, bees can be lured to the perfume mistaking it for flowers.

Once you open a bottle of perfume wear it! It will keep indefinitely when not opened but......... once the air has gained entrance to the perfume, it must be used within a year or two at the maxium.

For unusual perfumes including one called Tomato Perfume visit: http://www.apluswriting.net/beauty/perfume.htm

About The Author
Marilyn Pokorney
Freelance writer of science, nature, animals and the environment.
Also loves crafts, gardening, and reading.

Website: http://www.apluswriting.net
Copyright: 2006 Marilyn Pokorney


posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:12 PM  
How to Choose the Right Gifts for Men: Six Simple (and FUN) Steps
How to Choose the Right Gifts for Men: Six Simple (and FUN) Steps
Buying gifts for men has always been a challenge. But with the holidays approaching and shopping season upon us (whether we like it or not), now is prime time for the all-too-common quandary of “What gifts can I give him that he will genuinely like and appreciate?”

Whether you have a husband who has everything he wants aside from that half-million dollar Lamborghini, a brother who changes his favorite hobby daily, or a father who tells you not to buy him anything, choosing gifts for men -- especially something they really like -- can be a challenge.

While there’s no “perfect” gift out there that will please every man, these tips will ensure you’ll be tuned into the psychology of gift-giving to men, and help you choose a unique gift for him he’ll really love.

1. Think Function, Not Sentiment

“In a heterosexual relationship men tend to think of gift giving more in terms of an economic exchange of goods than women do,” says Professor Margaret Rucker, who holds a doctorate in psychology with an emphasis in consumer psychology, and is a gift-giving expert.

So while a woman may be completely impressed by a house filled with roses, a man would probably prefer an item that he can hold on to, and use. Think golf clubs over naming a star after him, and new slippers over a decorative knick-knack.

2. Listen to What He Wants

While women may offer hints as to what the “perfect” gift would be, men tend to be less subtle and may come right out and say what they want. Rather than going out of your way to find a “surprise,” simply buying the item he’s said he wants can be ideal.

The key is to pay attention and buy the item that HE wants, not the item that YOU, the giver, wants (or thinks he should want).

3. Center it Around His Interests

When looking for a functional gift for men, be sure it centers around something he likes. If he’s in to sports, this might be tickets to a sold-out sporting event, or some type of sports memorabilia (think golf balls with his favorite NFL team logo on them -- see http://www.happybirthdaygiftideas.com/christmas-gifts-for-him.html -- versus a pack of regular golf balls.) A man who loves gardening may appreciate a special plant or gardening tool. Does he love watching movies? Maybe a DVD player, a surround sound system, or a couple of CDs or DVDs would fit the bill.

4. Avoid Generic “Token” Gifts

This rule applies just as much to women as it does to men: most people, including men, don’t value generic token gifts.

Token gifts for men, like socks and underwear that you’ve given him every year, are regarded as “low cost and low effort,” Rucker says. Generic gifts are regarded similarly.

"If it’s a gift you have in the closet, something you could give anybody, that’s downgraded," says Rucker.

5. Make it Something Fun

While there are some men who will definitely appreciate a practical gift (some new work clothes, a garden hose, etc.), generally speaking, men want a gift that’s fun.

(The exception here may be seniors, particularly those on a fixed income would actually prefer something they already need.)

The key is finding something that the man will use, but that will be fun to use, not something work-related. For instance, buying a man a regular tool set is comparable to buying a woman a vacuum cleaner -- unless the man loves woodworking, etc., and you find that special tool he’s been looking for.

For some really fun (and FUNNY) gifts see http://www.happybirthdaygiftideas.com/funny-gifts-for-him.html.

6. Put Some Thought into It

Men like to feel special, too, and a thoughtful gift will make him feel loved and supported. What makes a gift thoughtful? Finding something that HE wants and that HE’s interested in. Check out the http://SixWise.com store to see if there are any products that would make great gifts he’d be interested in … search sites that suggest unique and interesting gifts like http://www.happybirthdaygiftideas.com … or of course Google specific gift search terms that may be up his alley.

About The Author
D. Williams is the editor of http://www.SixWise.com, home of the world's most popular and trusted e-newsletter providing top expert insights in the areas of personal wealth, health/wellness, safety, career, relationships and life enjoyment.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:21 PM  
Great Makeup Tips To Transform Your Face
Great Makeup Tips To Transform Your Face
Follow this advice to quickly and easily change your image;

* Foundation will transform your face:

If you don’t use foundation we recommend you acquire one which suits your skin type. You’ll see how your skin becomes totally uniform, with your face ready for the color to go on!

If you already use foundation, try using corrector (if the product is light enough) over the foundation, to add light to your gaze. Smooth it out with your fingertips to remove excess product. You’ll be shedding off the years!

* Bring out the color of your eyes;

Try out a different color eyeshadow, one that brings out the color of your eyes.

* Change your mascara and your gaze will change;

If you’ve had the same mascara for over three months, then it’s time for a change. Acquire a different one, unless you are really pleased with the one you have. Try out one which lengthens your lashes, or thickens them, and remember to always double-layer it.

* Give color to your cheeks;

Are you putting the blusher on correctly? Follow the shape of your cheekbone to get it right, smile and apply the color with the brush, then blend it with a loose powder brush (normally thicker than rouge ones), for a natural finish.

And –why not?- unless your skin is very rosy, put on a touch of pink rouge (you can also use a pale rosewood color shadow) in the center of your cheek. This’ll automatically bring a different touch to your look.

* Smile with gusto:

If you never wear make up on your lips: -start now! Which color will flatter you most?

-The one closest to the color of your lips, in a darker or lighter tone.

Put transparent lip gloss on. This is very fashionable and is perfect for daytime make up.

About The Author
Articles by Asuncion Parra Llorente a Beauty coach and founder and professional Make Up teacher at the Make Up school Elite Make Up. http://www.elitemakeup.com/beauty.

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posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:17 PM  
Dry Winter Skin: How to Deal with it
Dry Winter Skin: How to Deal with it
Feeling like a refrigerated raisin is often not the best way to enjoy the winter season and the joyous holidays that accompany it. Here are some tips on how to deal with dry winter skin.

Your skin in winter can become dry to the point of being painful. I myself began feeling the effects of the cooler weather in early October. My lips became tender and chapped, and I had to switch to a different formula of daily facial cleanser because the exfoliating beads in my current cleanser were irritating my skin. I’ll have to limit my daily exfoliation to just twice a week. Also my hands and feet became very dry.

Indoors you’re subjected to dry heat and outdoors you’re bombarded with harsh winter UV rays from the sun and chilling winds. Yes, the sun’s rays are still just as dangerous as in summer and they will reflect off any snowy surfaces, bouncing the rays right back on to you. You’re going to need a good facial moisturizer with SPF in it.

Here are some more tips to help you combat dry winter skin:

Use a lip balm (preferably with SPF) and do not lick your lips under any circumstances. That just makes it worse. Keep your hands moisturized with a good quality hand cream.

Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol intake. Alcohol is a dehydrator.

Buy a humidifier if you don’t already have one. It may help keep your heating bills down as well. You know, the whole heat and humidity thing. Think Amazon rainforest.

Use a shower filter. It will filter out the skin-drying chlorine in your tap water. Avoid hot water even though it feels good on a cold winter morning. It will only strip your skin of its natural oils and cause water to evaporate more quickly. Also, it pays to switch from soap which can dry the skin, to a silky body wash which will help your skin retain moisture. Pat your skin dry when exiting the shower, don’t rub. Apply a nice moisturizer to help seal in moisture.

When the humidity drops to 50 percent or less, you will need to pay even more attention to your moisturization routine. Stay away from harsh scrubs or cleansers since they will eliminate most of the skin’s oils and dry your skin out more easily. This applies to skin care products as well as cleaning products.

My favorite winter skin care tip is before you go to bed, apply a thick, rich moisturizer to your feet, concentrating on the heel area. Then put on a nice cushy pair of socks. When you wake up your feet will be soft and smooth and well-hydrated.

Not paying attention to extremely dry skin can lead to health issues and act as a welcome mat for rashes and skin infections. So take good care of your skin and enjoy your winter!

About The Author
Katrina Price is a skin care consultant and the owner of http://www.skincareteacher.com and it’s accompanying blog, http://skincareteacher.blogspot.com

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posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:24 PM  
Essential Skincare And Makeup For Travel
Essential Skincare And Makeup For Travel

Are you going on a trip and want to know what beauty and make up basics you will need to pack –and those you won’t?


Remember the basics:
* Make up remover
* Tonic
* Eye contour gel/cream
* Moisturizer

Tip: Use small containers or travel-sized products so that everything will fit into your hand held toiletry bag….there are also many brands which currently produce tiny travel make up kits. Treat yourself to one! They are normally quite cheap …


* Body moisturizing cream
* Exfoliant

Tip: Get hold of a pair of exfoliating gloves for your body, they are very easy to acquire and work really well. Aside from this they aren’t heavy to carry, they don’t wear out, and they work wonders to eliminate all the dead cells, leaving the skin smooth…


* Corrector
* Foundation
* Powder (if your skin is combination or greasy)
* Neutral shadow for daytime
* Shadow for partying –remember it’s Christmas!
* Light shadow
* Black pencil (it can get you out of a corner if you happen to want to replenish your make up and you haven’t got a dark shadow with you: you can use the pencil as shadow and then spread it with a brush)
* Mascara
* Rosy or earthy rouge
* Your favourite lipstick
* Transparent gloss
* Colored lip pencil, so that if you feel like making your lips up a little more on day, you can use the pencil and the gloss over it and there you have it: a new lipstick color! Besides the pencil weighs little.
* Illuminator. Don’t forget to bring the illuminator. Use it for the party make up….


* Bring a hair pack. You’re sure to need one …
* If your hair is difficult to manage or sensitive, bring your treatment with you. The shampoos in hotels tend to be for normal hair.


Don’t forget ….
* Nail file. They always break when you’re away.
* Transparent or ivory varnish
* Colored varnish, if you normally use this


* Bath salts. A holiday is an ideal time to relax in a bathtub.
* Face pack. Make the best of the little extra time you have while on holiday and look after yourself…
* Beauty flash or shock treatment to be stunning. Bring it in single doses so it weighs less.

I’m off on holiday to a warm place …

To relax, enjoy the sun and the hot weather, a great way to unwind….But –what do I pack in my suitcase?....


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, and:
* Moisturizing cream with high factor sun block
* Facial sun block.
* After sun cream


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, and:
* Sun block for the level of protection you need. Remember that it is very important to protect yourself from the sun.
* Ultra moisturizing cream for after-sun, and to calm the skin
* Moisturizing cream with a touch of illuminator-why not? It’s hot and you’re sun-tanned, so bring out your tan …


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, but:
* Switch your foundation for a tanning powder. Give yourself a few touches with the brush and you’ll see how your face instantly acquires a healthy look.
* Forget dark colors for shadows, and select some light, luminous ones
* Go for lip glosses. These look good in hot climes…


The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, but:
* The hair pack should contain after-sun treatment.

The same essentials as for a trip to cold climes, but:

* Take the opportunity to paint your toenails
* Paint your toenails in striking colors


The same essentials as for the cold, and also:
* Moisturizing face pack. When we sunbathe, the skin dries up. Remember to bring a face pack and take this opportunity to relax …see how grateful your skin will be.

About The Author
Articles by Asuncion Parra Llorente a Beauty coach and founder and professional Make Up teacher at the Make Up school Elite Make Up. http://www.elitemakeup.com/beauty.

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posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:16 PM  
The Truth On Menopause And Weight Gain
The Truth On Menopause And Weight Gain
One of the major causes of weight gain in women is the changes in their hormone levels and sedentarism. Studies show that about 90 percent of menopausal women experience weight gain between the ages 35 to 55. This is not surprising because weight gain comes with the territory of aging and menopausal.

Medical experts say that menopause occurs when a woman’s ovaries has stopped producing estrogen which is responsible for ovulation and menstruation. Today, more and more women who are experiencing menopause go through weight gain due to hormonal changes brought about by aging. Experts explain that with aging, the muscles in the body start to decrease in bulk along with the slowing of metabolism. This slowing down of metabolism along with decrease in bulk of the body’s muscles contributes to weight gain. Aside from weight gain, menopause also leads to loss of sexual appetite or loss of libido, vaginal atrophy, and growth or loss of hair in the head and face. With all these demoralizing truths, it is common that women who are experiencing menopause lose self-confidence and esteem. But, it shouldn’t stay that way. With the help of science and modern researches, weight gain during menopausal years can be solved.


Weight gain during menopause is as common as aging. Usually, women sometimes gain about 10 to15 pounds starting from their abdomen, to the hips, thighs, and rear. Studies show that weight gain on women usually starts during their pre-menopausal years and will continue to pile up as they grow older. For those who have experienced early menopausal due to major operation or surgery, they are expected to gain weight faster compared to those who haven’t.

Because of the changes in their weight or size, many women are starting to dread the thought of menopausal. It is recommended to exerciseregularly and eat to one's appetite. Experts say that women should be more aware when they are entering the stage of menopausal so they can prepare for it. Physicians say that women should expect that as they enter the early stages of menopause, they would have difficulty maintaining their weight because of the fluctuation in their hormones. Because of these natural hormonal changes—that include estrogen, testosterone, and androgen levels—a man’s or woman’s appetite, metabolism, and fat storage are greatly affected.


Before sulking into a pit of depression, a woman must know the reasons behind it so she can make the necessary adjustments.

1. Hormone deficiency and lack of female hormones that slows down metabolism. Lack of estrogen leads to excessive weight gain because it alters certain functions of the body and greatly influences fat distribution in the body. You must understand estrogen and fat distribution very well.

2. Slow metabolism due to aging. As people grow older, their metabolism starts to slow down. One effective way of reducing energy intake, women who are experiencing menopause are recommended to have a balanced diet composed of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

3. Lack of exercise or physical activity. As women enter their menopausal stage, they become more sedentary in almost everything that they do. This inactive lifestyle leads them to weight gain because they are not getting enough physical exercise they should get. If muscle pains are giving a woman a hard time to do such simple and regular exercises, she can try taking in vitamin and mineral supplement to boost her energy levels that contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, chromium and selenium.

4. The use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can also be a big factor in gaining weight. Although HRT is known to help give back lost female hormones, this treatment can also add up on the weight she already has because it works. HRT has also been subject to serious warnings in their use recently.

5. Weight gain can also be traced in increased food intake due to emotional problems like depression. Emotional eating or overeating due to frustration over weight gain is also a big factor that contributes to excessive weight gain. Talking to friends and satying active are powerful ways to fight back.

About The Author
Dr Nathalie Fiset is a family doctor and a certified hypnotherapist. For more information go to: http://www.bestmenopause.com/weight-gain.html http://www.aperfectharmony.com or http://www.myalpha-power.com


posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:09 PM  
ABCs for the Work at Home Mom – Part 1
ABCs for the Work at Home Mom – Part 1
Work-at-home moms face many different challenges. From learning to accept help when needed, to building confidence in ourselves, to remembering the reasons why we chose to work from home. Below is the first in a series of tips to help work-at-home moms in the simplest of ways – the ABC’s.

A = Adjustments. A work at home mom must expect the unexpected. She must be prepared to adjust her schedule at any given moment for any number of reasons - a sick child, a backed up drain, or an upset client. A mom who learns to welcome these moments as a chance to show love to her family and concern for her clients will be ahead of the game in the end. Approach these "interruptions" with a great attitude and see what a difference it makes.

B = Better. Works at Home Moms have to be on top of their game. To run a business as well as manage a household takes determination and scheduling. You may not feel like you have a schedule, but take a look at your day/week and see how you are spending your time. Next, think about what you can do better, what you can delegate and what would be better off removed from your schedule to allow you to spend your time in a better manner.

C = Confidence. You wouldn't be a work at home mom without it. Take time to celebrate each success no matter how minute it may seem. Each success will help grow your confidence and turn you into a savvier businesswoman.

D = Dry - Don't let things dry up. Keep content fresh, offer new products and services whenever possible. This will keep you motivated and keep customer returning.

E = Effort - Don't kid yourself. It takes a TON of effort to make a home-based business successful. Don't give up with thing get rough. Keep plugging away - it will pay off

F = Feisty - Every work at home mom has to be at least a tad bit feisty. :) Stand up for your business when need be - don't be afraid to say no when necessary.

G = Generosity - When I fist began my business I sought advice from many successful work-at-home moms. One of the best pieces of advice I received was that what I gave to others would come back tenfold. I've found that to be very true. Helping others is as much a blessing to me as it is to others.

H = Help - There will come a time that you’ll need help. You must be willing to accept it, to allow others to do for you what you cannot. In turn, try to be a help to other when they are in need.

I = If - If you don’t do it, who will? Mothering is such an important role that gets overlooked so often these days. Always remember that being there for your children is the BEST gift you can ever give them.

J = “Just for you” - Take a little time to do something just for you each day. Even 5 minutes of doing something you enjoy can revive a tired mommy.

K = Keep - Keep your chin up. It will get better. Don’t let a lag in business growth get you down. Find some creative ways to get the ball rolling again.

L = Laugh - Take time to laugh with you kids each day. And don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself when need be.

M = Mommy - Remember, the reason you do all that you do is for those little ones who call you "Mommy."

Working from home can be difficult, but it is well worth the effort. By keeping things in perspective we can reduce the stress that we put on ourselves. Remember these ABC’s and you’ll go far in your work-at-home career.

About The Author
Jill Hart is the founder of Christian Work at Home Moms, http://CWAHM.com. Hart is also the co-author of the upcoming book, Home Based Blessings, due out in November 2006 for Christian moms who want to work at home. Hart and her husband, Allen of http://CWAHD.com (Christian Work at Home Dads) reside in Nebraska with their two children.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:56 PM  
Improve Your Hair And Skin. See Results In Days.
Improve Your Hair And Skin. See Results In Days.
Why is coconut oil the best oil for your skin?

Coconut oil is good as a skin moisturiser. A study shows that extra virgin coconut oil is as useful and safe as mineral oil when used as a moisturiser, with absence of adverse reactions.

The biggest chemical barrier to infectious organisms is the acid layer on the skin. Healthy skin has a pH of about 5, making it slightly acidic. Our sweat (containing uric and lactic acids) and body oils promote this acidic environment. For this reason, sweat and oil do us good. Harmless bacteria can tolerate the acid and live on the skin, but troublesome bacteria can't thrive and their numbers are few.

Coconut oil will absorb easily, keep the skin soft, and yet without feeling greasy.

Most commercial creams and lotions are commonly water. Their moisture is quickly absorbed into dry, wrinkled skin. As the water enters the skin, it expands the tissues, like filling a balloon with water, so that wrinkles fade away and the skin feels smoother. But this is not permanent. As soon as the water evaporates or is carried away by the blood stream, the dry, wrinkled skin returns. No matter how hard you try people will never be able to permanently cure dry, wrinkled skin with any commercial body lotion or body care merchandise. In addition to water, most lotions have an oil of some type. This oil is almost always a highly refined vegetable oil deficient of all natural protective antioxidants. One product in our food supply and in body care merchandise that leads to a great deal of free radicals is oxidized vegetable oils.

Cocout Oil is not like other oils used to soften rough, dry skin. It will help to reduce chronic skin inflammation within days and be soothing and healing to wounds, blood blisters, rashes, etc.

Our skin is made up of connective tissues. These tissues give our skin strength and elasticity. When we are young and healthy the skin is smooth, elastic and supple. This is the effect of tough connective fibers. As we age their fibers are continually subjected to free-radical attack which breaks them down. As a result, connective tissues become hardened and lose both elasticity and strength. The skin loses its capacity to hold itself together and begins to sag and become wrinkled. Once young, soft and smooth the skin turns dry and leathery.

Antiseptic fatty acids in coconut oil help to prevent fungal and bacterial infections in the skin when it is consumed and to some extent, when it is applied directly to the skin. The only way to gain entry into the body other than through the natural openings, such as the nose and mouth, is by penetrating the skin. When the skin's defenses break down, infections can result. Acne, ringworm, herpes, boils, athlete's foot, and warts are just some of the infectious conditions that can affect the skin and body.

Once a free-radical reaction is started it can cause a chain reaction which produces more free radicals, which ultimately damages thousands of molecules. The only way our body has to fight them is with antioxidants. When a free radical comes into contact with an antioxidant, the chain reaction is stopped. For this reason, it is good to have plenty of antioxidants in our cells and tissues to protect us. The number of antioxidants we have in our tissues is determined to a large extent by the nutrients in our diet. Having anti-oxidants in skin care products is important, too. Dr. Ray Peat, a biochemist who has written about the antioxidant properties of coconut oil, states "It is well established that dietary coconut oil reduces our need for vitamin E, but I think its antioxidant role is more general than that, and that it has both direct and indirect antioxidant activities." Virgin Coconut Oil is especially useful in fighting free-radicals, as it is unrefined and hasn't been extracted of any of its natural components through the refining process.

Conventional body care goods that are made with refined vegetable oils which have all the antioxidants removed from them are highly prone to free-radical generation both in and outside the body. That is why eating processed vegetable oils can cause a deficiency in vitamin E and other antioxidants. The antioxidants are used up fighting off free radicals causing permanent damage to connective tissues. This is also the reason why you should be careful about the type of oils you use on your skin, and in your lotions, creams and lip balms. If you use a lotion, or cream with a refined oil in it you are in fact causing your skin to age faster. The lotion, though it may bring temporary improvement will actually accelerate the aging of the skin and even develop skin cancer through the free radicals that are readily formed from the refined vegetable oil..

The ideal lotion is one that is made from an oil that not only softens the skin, but protects it against damage, promotes healing and gives it a more youthful, healthy appearance. Coconut oil fits that description.

Quality virgin coconut oil is the best natural ingredient for skin lotion available. It prevents destructive free-radical formation and provides protection against them. It helps to keep connective tissues strong and supple so that the skin doesn't sag and wrinkle. In some cases it might even restore damaged or diseased skin. The oil is absorbed into the skin and into the cell structure of the connective tissues, limiting the damage excessive sun exposure can cause.

Coconut Oil can help to keep the skin from developing liver spots, and other blemishes caused by aging and over exposure to sunlight.

Coconut oil for your scalp and scalp

What coconut oil can do for your skin it can do for your hair.

In India and Sri Lanka, coconut oil is commonly used for styling hair, and cooling or soothing the head and provide stress relief.

Beauticians who are familiar with coconut swear by it. It softens the hair and conditions the scalp. Using the coconut oil as a pre-wash conditioner can rid a person of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo.

What coconut oil can do for your skin it can do for your hair.

The protective environment of the skin and how coconut oil helps

Our skin is home to many tiny organisms, most of which are harmless; some are beneficial. At least one variety of bacterium is essential to the healthy environment on our skin. It feeds on the sebum, breaking down the tryglycerides into free fatty acids. The bacteria actually feed on the glycerol part of the triglyceride. This leaves fatty acids which are now "freed" from the glycerol unit that held them together. Medium chain fatty acids which are bound to the glycerol unit as they are in coconut oil have no antimicrobial properties. However, when they are broken apart into free fatty acids, they become powerful antimicrobials.

So these bacteria convert the medium chain triglycerides (in the sebum or on the skin) into free fatty acids that can kill disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The combination of the slightly acid pH and medium chain fatty acids offers a protective chemical layer on the skin that prevents infection from disease-causing organisms. Due primarily to the action of bacteria, the oil on the surface of your skin and hair is composed of between 40 and 60 percent free fatty acids. The medium chain fatty acids in the sebum provide the protective layer on the skin that kills harmful germs. Coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium chain fatty acids.

When coconut oil is put on the skin it doesn't have any immediate antimicrobial action. However, when bacteria which are always present on the skin turn these triglycerides into free fatty acids, just as it does with sebum, the result is an increase in the number of antimicrobial fatty acids on the skin and protection from infection. The free fatty acids also help to contribute to the acid environment on the skin which repels disease causing germs.

Coconut Oil is an great ingredient to use in healing salves and ointments. People have used a coconut oil/crushed garlic mixture at night to eliminate plantar warts and athlete's foot with excellent results.

In the making of soaps, the soap does not have a tallow smell nor the smell of a vegetable oil. Instead, it has a nice fresh smell and yields a nice fluffy lather. Coconut oil is one of the most popular oils used in soap making.

About The Author
Roger Bert
Owner of Coconut Oil UK - No1 Supplier of Coconut Oil in the UK

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posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:07 PM  
Venus Eclipses Mars
Venus Eclipses Mars
Women are public faces for corporation to individual. They work as a bridge between world outside and organization they work for.

Small business to large corporate hour’s, Government department to NGO, nobody can ignore the role of “personal Relationship (PR)” in developing a good image among its constituency. PR makes them look good. It presents their best part of profile. So times, they do damage control. They keep the memory of organization press in public mind.

Crux of the story is PR is an integral part of a business. But do you know majority of PR executives are women. Ever wondered why?

Men may be more logical and sensible, but women are good at persuasion. Get the below facts.

1.Women are instinctively homemakers, handling the travails of life and living. They are more emotional, which play a big part in persuasion.

2.They are great at using better words to express themselves. Here they win hands down. Any part of life is governed by proper selection of effective language and words. Women quite easily win over men in this part of life.

3.The ability to communicate effectively with clients, perceive their requirement and limitations, are aspects on which women excels.

4.Women presence instill trust and sincerity among the clients and people interacting. Which encourages confidence building, sharing information openly?

5.Women are more open to any idea than men. They keep their mind open for any challenging idea or adverse attributes. They are more flexible in accommodating the new ideas.

6.Men are usually goal-centric. They are after a agenda more or less. In this process they may tend to become more and more hard taskmaster which is essentially no-no in PR profession of soft skills and accommodating attitude.

Women out do men in almost any kind of human interaction. People may say that their feminity play a major role over that. But let those people keep complaining. Venus has eclipsed Mars already.

About The Author
Nisha Sharma is Staff writer at http://Womenbrands.com. She specializes in Women Psychology and issues. You can reach her at http://www.womenbrands.com.

You can publish this article without modifying any of the content . You may be interested on women issues. Find reprint able contents on women at http://www.womenbrands.com.


posted by DeA Haryono @ 9:05 PM  
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