6 Usefull tips to fight body odour
6 Usefull tips to fight body odour
There are three types of secretary glands. Sweat glands are the most widely distributed and their function is to regulate body temperature. An average person loses atleast half a litre of sweat every day and this figure rises during summer and physical exercise. Sweat has a slightly acrid smell.
  1. Area like the foot pose a problem because the sweat becomes trapped by socks and shoes.

  2. The odour associated with the armpits is because the sweat cannot easily evaporate.

  3. Bacteria decompose the sweat to produce the characteristic body odour.

  4. Some parts of the body like the armpits and genitals have a strong smell because they are richly endowed with all types of glands. As these are covered, water cannot evaporate easily and offensive body odours are thus caused.

  5. Any amount of scrubbing or washing would be able to get rid of only a fraction of the bacteria and that too for a very short time.

Useful Tips
  • Avoid synthetic clothes. Use cotton clothes instead.

  • Avoid hot drink consumption as much as possible.

  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes.

  • Take regular baths

  • Use anti-perspirants, deodorants etc

  • Drink plenty of water and eat lot of fresh fruits.

  • Use perfumes.

About the Author:
Susan Christy is an experienced beautician. She has been working on beautifying People in UK Since 10 years. Her beauty care tips have helped many people. She is presently with Feelconfident UK

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posted by DeA Haryono @ 8:16 PM  
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